Monday, June 7, 2010

It Totally Sucks!

There are many things about housekeeping I find boring.. Like dishes, piapers, and cleaning the kitchen... But worst of it all is the bathrooms! There is nothing I like about cleaning in there! No matter if it´s the tub, the sink, the floor, tiles or the dreaded toilet. I just plain HATE it! The dust collects in the moist after showers and you can srub yourself green and still I never find it clean enough. I feel like germs are attacking from all over and every breath I take is filled with the evil dirt that flyes around me! My husband hates cleaning the toilet to, so he never has since we got married... Maybe you figured out that I just came out of the bathroom after clening it and if you did then you´re right! I have been scrubbing the tiles in the shower so hard and for so long my arms hurt. But I do love a clean bathroom and that is the ONLY reason I ever do it!


  1. I love cleaning the bathroom. Seriously, I'd take it over dished ANY day! If you lived closer we could trade services haa haa. You do my dishes, and I'll clean your toilets.

  2. Haha, du har ärvt en viss släktings bacillskräck - men lugna ner dig, att ha det FÖR rent leder tvärtom till ökad risk för astma och allergi, och enligt vissa studier till autoimmuna sjukdomar som t.ex. diabetes. Kroppen mår bra av att ha vissa naturliga fiender att "slåss" mot, annars börjar den attackera sig själv och det är ju onödigt.

    Att inte ha det kliniskt rent visar dessutom att man har andra intressen :D
