Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fever on her birthday!

At 4am little E woke up and was crying and crying. She never wakes up crying so we knew something was wrong. Turns out she has a fever on her birthday poor girl. Hopefully she will sleep during the day so she will feel better tonight when we are having cake and opening presents.

At IKEA yestoday I let her play in the playrooms to find out what things she liked most and it was NOT the things I thought of...
She really liked hiding under the leaf and playing in the tunnle so if thats what she wants, that is what she will get. I am also working on a more personal gift that she hopefully will like whan she is older. I will post a picture later when I am finished. Now I have to go and bake the cake... Have to buy fresh strawberries to but that will have to wait until Big A gets back from school so Little E can stay home.


  1. Stackars skrutt :( Ge henne en puss och en kram från mig och hoppas att hon blir bättre snart.

  2. we have that tunnel. The kids LOVE It!
